
Power of Yoga Studio from Sheffield visits Mandali Yoga Retreat in Lake Orta Italy

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Power of Yoga Studio from Sheffield visits Mandali Yoga Retreat in Lake Orta Italy

Louise the founder of Power of Yoga and her sister, a yoga teacher at the studio recently attended a retreat in Italy. Find out all about it...

Here's a little bit about our experience at Mandali Yoga Retreat in Lake Orta, Italy

It is truly an incredible place. The nature, the surroundings, the food, and the staff are all exceptional.

A retreat is a meeting of like-minded people, all wanting and needing different things from their experiences. In the end, these like-minded people become your friends, connected through your practice. It was wonderful to see and an honour to experience other people's journeys.

I’m not sure it was totally relaxing - the days were pretty full on... but the views made up for that! 

Yoga in Sheffield, yoga retreat, Mandali Yoga Retreat in Lake Orta, Italy,

Yoga - 7:30 

Silent breakfast - 9:15 

Dance Workshop - 10:30 

Lunch - 12:45  

Meditation - 14:30  

Yoga - 17:30 

Evening Meal - 19:45 

Meditation - 20:30 

They advised us not to do everything, so we took their advice (ignored - oops!)  and did pretty much all of it. How could you not?! 

The highlight for me (definitely not Siobhan’s, my sister ) was Mandali's special guest, Pio Campo. 

He led some extraordinary dance workshops, which challenged me and took me totally out of my comfort zone. 

His energy, zest for movement and dance, and love for Maria, his teacher, were infectious. 

During these workshops, I never witnessed so much emotion and so many tears.

He encouraged us to listen closely to the music, to dance and move with eyes closed, eyes open and the uncomfortable part to look into each other's eyes, in stillness and in movement. 

I felt incredibly uncomfortable with this, I wanted to run and hide, but I made myself stay. All of us in that room were experiencing the same uncomfortable feelings. 

After three days of a varied form of a similar theme, it all became quite liberating. It broke down so many barriers, so many emotions, so many feelings and allowed for a connection with others that was truly beautiful.

Would I do it again? Yes, I think I would. 

The retreat has given me space and time, which is much needed in our busy lives. It will enable me to bring back some amazing skills to share with our amazing members. 

Would you love to do a retreat? If you can’t get away, why not come to our beautiful yoga studio in Greenhill, Sheffield and relax? 

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